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Lê Quang Thành : quangthanh010290@gmail.com | thanhlev@amazon.com.vn

Tiva ™ TM4C123GH6ZRB Microcontroller [phần 1]

Table of contents

  1. Tiva ™ TM4C123GH6ZRB Microcontroller [phần 1]
    1. Architectural Overview
    2. TM4C123GH6ZRB Microcontroller Features
      1. On-Chip Memory
      2. SRAM
      3. Flash Memory
      4. ROM
        1. TivaWare Boot Loader
        2. TivaWare Peripheral Driver Library
      5. EEPROM
    3. Useful Links

Architectural Overview

Feature Description
Core ARM Cortex-M4F processor core
Performance 80-MHz operation; 100 DMIPS performance
Flash 256 KB single-cycle Flash memory
System SRAM 32 KB single-cycle SRAM
Internal ROM Internal ROM loaded with TivaWare™ for C Series software


TM4C123GH6ZRB Microcontroller Features

On-Chip Memory


32 KB of single-cycle on-chip SRAM

Because read-modify-write (RMW) operations are very time consuming, ARM has introduced bit-banding technology in the Cortex-M4F processor. With a bit-band-enabled processor, certain regions in the memory map (SRAM and peripheral space) can use address aliases to access individual bits in a single, atomic operation.

Data can be transferred to and from SRAM by the following masters:

Flash Memory


The internal ROM of the TM4C123GH6ZRB device is located at address 0x0100.0000 of the device memory map. Detailed information on the ROM contents can be found in the Tiva™ C Series TM4C123x ROM User’s Guide (literature number SPMU367).

The TM4C123GH6ZRB ROM is preprogrammed with the following software and programs.

controlling on-chip peripherals with a boot-loader capability. The library performs both peripheral initialization and control functions, with a choice of polled or interrupt-driven peripheral support. In addition, the library is designed to take full advantage of the stellar interrupt performance of the ARM Cortex-M4F core. No special pragmas or custom assembly code prologue/epilogue functions are required. For applications that require in-field programmability, the royalty-free TivaWare Boot Loader can act as an application loader and support in-field firmware updates.

is a publicly defined encryption standard used by the U.S. Government. AES is a strong encryption method with reasonable performance and size. In addition, it is fast in both hardware and software, is fairly easy to implement, and requires little memory. The Texas Instruments encryption package is available with full source code, and is based on Lesser General Public License (LGPL) source. An LGPL means that the code can be used within an application without any copyleft implications for the application (the code does not automatically become open source). Modifications to the package source, however, must be open source.

is a technique to validate a span of data has the same contents as when previously checked. This technique can be used to validate correct receipt of messages (nothing lost or modified in transit), to validate data after decompression, to validate that Flash memory contents have not been changed, and for other cases where the data needs to be validated. A CRC is preferred over a simple checksum (for example, XOR all bits) because it catches changes more readily.

TivaWare Boot Loader

The TivaWare Boot Loader is used to download code to the Flash memory of a device without the use of a debug interface. When the core is reset, the user has the opportunity to direct the core to execute the ROM Boot Loader or the application in Flash memory by using any GPIO signal in Ports A-H as configured in the Boot Configuration (BOOTCFG) register

At reset, the following sequence is performed:

The boot loader uses a simple packet interface to provide synchronous communication with the device. The speed of the boot loader is determined by the internal oscillator (PIOSC) frequency as it does not enable the PLL. The following serial interfaces can be used:

Note U0Tx is not driven by the ROM boot loader until the auto-bauding process has completed. If U0Tx is floating during this time, the receiver it is connected to may see transitions on the signal, which could be interpreted by its UART as valid characters. To handle this situation, put a pull-up or pull-down on U0Tx, providing a defined state for the signal until the ROM boot loader begins driving U0Tx. A pull-up is preferred as it indicates that the UART is idle, rather than a pull-down, which indicates a break condition.

TivaWare Peripheral Driver Library

The TivaWare Peripheral Driver Library contains a file called driverlib/rom.h that assists with calling the peripheral driver library functions in the ROM. The detailed description of each function is available in the Tiva™ C Series TM4C123x ROM User’s Guide (literature number SPMU367).

The driverlib/rom_map.h header file is also provided to aid portability when using different Tiva™ C Series devices which might have a different subset of DriverLib functions in ROM. The driverlib rom_map.h header file uses build-time labels to route function calls to the ROM if those functions are available on a given device, otherwise, it routes to Flash-resident versions of the functions.

A table at the beginning of the ROM points to the entry points for the APIs that are provided in the ROM. Accessing the API through these tables provides scalability; while the API locations may change in future versions of the ROM, the API tables will not. The tables are split into two levels; the main table contains one pointer per peripheral which points to a secondary table that contains one pointer per API that is associated with that peripheral. The main table is located at 0x0100.0010, right after the Cortex-M4F vector table in the ROM.

Additional APIs are available for graphics and USB functions, but are not preloaded into ROM. The TivaWare Graphics Library provides a set of graphics primitives and a widget set for creating graphical user interfaces on Tiva™ C Series microcontroller-based boards that have a graphical display (for more information, see the TivaWare™ Graphics Library for C Series User’s Guide (literature number SPMU300)). The TivaWare USB Library is a set of data types and functions for creating USB Device,